Monday, November 3, 2008

Here we go

So, here we go, I'm blogging! Hurray for me. Actually, I have been blogging for a few years now on myspace but recently found out that crazy people are reading it. People like my husbands friends. I thought I would give something a little more anonamous a try. I am a stay at home mom with three kids and a wonderful husband. The kids are 1st grade, kindergarten and 3 years old. We go to dance class, play hockey, karate, gymnastics, Girl Scouts, and a couple of dozen other things. My son has an IEP which is always a good time. Our middle child is completely flakey, I think her brain might be leaking, but is the most loveable child you could ever want to meet. The little one is a terror, she will beat on kids, get into things, and generally make me want to pull my hair out. The husband is wonderful, works hard, is a great dad, and completely anti social.

While my life mostly revolves around the family there is a little more to me. I don't have many friends, primarily because I think people don't like me. Somehow that doesn't keep me from volunteering for things though, I'm a girl scout leader, sunday school teacher, scheduling coordinator for hockey, secretary for the local knitting guild, director for our church photo directory (that's a yearbook for the church), and if that doesn't take up enough time I will radomly volunteer to host dinner parties, bake cookies, do things for the school and so on and so forth.

So here's the plan. I want to use my blog to talk about things that are important to me. Cooking, cleaning, raising kids, training an enormous dog, volunteering, people who annoy me, knitting, quitting smoking (yeah still one of those people), losing the rest of my pregnancy weight, getting pregnant again, and anything else that comes to mind. If that coming from someone who should probably be seeking pschyicatric help and possibly a class is spelling sounds like fun, come on down!

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